Our BackgroundMorning Star School was established in the year 2049 BS (1992 - 93 AD) by the founder Principal Vincent Upadhya Pokhrel, a great visionary and a good educator. He was assisted with a group of teachers from Darjeeling. Later on Fratelli Dimenticatti (an International Non Governmental Organization from Italy ) helped the founder principal to complete the existing school building. The school was entrusted to Marianist Brothers (A Religious congregation of the Catholic Church). They improved the infrastructure of the school and raised the school to a good standard through their expertise and commitment. For a decade(2004 to 2013) they saw to the administration of the school. It was in the year 2070 (2013-14) the school was handed over to Don Bosco Society by Emeritus Rev.Bp. Antony Sharma, the Bishop of the Catholic Church of Nepal with the understanding of the donor agency Fratelli Dimenticatti. Fr.Davis Veliyan and Fr.Binu Jacob belonging to the Salesian congregation took over the school from Marianist brothers on 10th April 2012.
Don Bosco Society is a missionary institute within the Catholic Church. Don Bosco Society of Nepal is a religious organization with its head quarter based in Rome, Italy and under the direct governance of regional head quarter in Kolkotta. Don Bosco Society is spread over 133 countries. In Nepal, Don Bosco Society has 12 institutions viz., Five schools, two technical colleges , two hostels for boys and three Churches.
For the past 20 years hundreds of students have passed out from Morning Star School. Presently there are 830 students studying at Morning Star School Chakraghatti from Nursery to class X. Morning Star Family remembers with gratitude: the Founder Principal Mr.Vincent Upadhya, Pioneer Teachers, Principals and Vice Principals, All the Marianist Brothers and Fathers and the Foundation Fratelli Dimenticati for their yeomen service rendered to the people of this locality at Bahakshetra Municipality .